3 Secrets To Make the Most of Your Martial Arts Class!

Everyone would like to be a martial arts master and be able to stun crowds with Bruce Lee like Kung Fu performances or be able to throw down like UFC legend Anderson Silva. So you have looked around and found a martial arts school that looks like a good fit for you. But how do you really make sure you get the most out of the hard earned money you have spent on it and the valuable time you can afford to devote to it?

The Top 3 Medicine Ball Exercises For Ultimate MMA Power

When you picture most strength training exercises, you may notice that everything seems to be in straight lines. Contrast that with any mixed-martial arts technique and you may realize that there is one missing ingredient to most strength programs - rotational power. Well how exactly do you develop the ability to rotate your body explosively for knockout punches, kicks, and throws?

Bodyweight Training Secrets For MMA Fighters

Punching, kicking, moving, ducking, wrestling are all natural movements used in martial arts and MMA. So why is there so much focus on these new types of training methods. Lifting weights don't build a toughness. Using your own
bodyweight builds a toughness.
Lifting weights and bulked up muscles don't make you a better fighter-just look at all the juiced up (steroids) fighters. Steroids don't help a fighters chin. What makes a better fighter is a superb work ethic and being a conditioned machine that can be built with bodyweight training.

Herschel Walker Workout Routine - MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)

Hershel Walker is a particularly famous American football player both for his on field success and more uniquely because of his extremely uncommon workout routine which includes no traditional free weights and a strict regime of pushups, sit ups, and martial arts. In his forties when the bodies of most former NFL running backs are completely shot Walker has taken up the highly intense, physical, and dangerous sport of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) against opponents half his age.

Getting Creative With Your Cardio at Home or at the Gym

Cardio exercises are a must when it comes to being fit or shedding fat, but that does not mean you do not have options. Cardio does a lot for your health in general, it increases your metabolism, burns fat, makes your heart and blood vessels healthier, decreases your blood pressure, increases your stamina, improves your sex life and the list goes on.

Awesome Pre-Fight Training Routine For MMA Fighters Called "The Machine"

We are witnessing firsthand the evolution of sport. In times passed, elite athletes strived to reach goals of Olympic glory or professional status. Today, the most recent phenomenon in sport is mixed martial arts. MMA continues to grow in talent and popularity. The stars formed from it are the new super athletes. With the demand continuing to increase, the fighter must be a fine tuned machine to keep up.

Kettlebells for MMA and BJJ Fighters

Training for sport combat is something more familiar to me than almost anything else in my life. I started wrestling and learning judo at the age of 4. Shortly thereafter my dad had me squatting and pressing a broomstick. At the age of 7, I made my way into the romanticized gym dungeon, a playground of steel, iron, and rust. Since that moment, training to be a better athlete by cross-training has become a way of life...something I could never live without.