Do You Want to Know the Secret Sauce Inside MMA Cardio Training?

There is no doubt that MMA is one of the most demanding sports that you can participate in. MMA fighters are required to have superb endurance, super natural strength, and extreme flexibility. Conditioning with all these factors in mind can be difficult. Over strength train and you lose flexibility and endurance as you over-sized muscles limit movement and require more oxygen to be able to perform. Under strength train and you can be man handled by a much strong athlete.

It is balance in training that creates the best results for the MMA fighter.
Achieving that balance is the difficult part. Your training routine needs to incorporate high intensity cardio training. Cardio training is achieved through various exercises. Many fighters prefer a good mix of road work, swimming and jump roping to build the heart and lungs to meet the demands that will be placed on them in the ring.
Weight Training vs. Resistance Training
While attempting to gain strength weight training is almost always the first choice of athletes. More and more athletes, and especially MMA fighters, are realizing that while weight training provides the strength they are looking for they have to pay a price in performance to get that strength. Along with the bigger muscle mass comes a less stamina. Athletes and MMA fighters have been incorporating resistance training into their conditioning programs. Resistance training increases strength without promoting as much growth, and is seen as a good addition to strength training by many.
While there is not one perfect training program for everyone, and individual fighters mat need to change training programs often to continue to achieve results, balance and diversity id the fundamentals of all training for MMA. By concentrating on just one aspect of your training you will not reach your peak performance, and be an all around well conditioned MMA fighter. Likewise, if you don't change your training program periodically your body will plateau, and you will not ever reach your fullest potential.
The Secret Sauce of MMA conditioning
One training tip and trick that even MMA trainers know about is not even considered a piece of martial arts training equipment. This is to use a heart rate monitor to get the most effective cardio training possible. You will want to stay within the cardio level during your entire training session to produce the proper air to lung capacity. You will instantly see why this is so powerful in your first workout with it on. It will let you know exactly when you are going to hard which means you are not in the cardio phase heart rate and also when you aren't going hard enough and you need to step it up.
So in conclusion, when designing your training program, build it balanced. Monitor your results, and make changes as your body requires you to.  By continually using a balanced and diversified training program you will get the results you are looking for from your training. And, when you vary you training program when your body starts to plateau you will push through, and find the hidden potential inside you.
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