Interested In MMA? Instructors Share Differences Among Various Types Of Martial Arts

There are numerous benefits that come with martial arts training. For instance, the exercise strengthens the body and enhances balance, coordination, flexibility and endurance. However, martial arts training can offer more than just physical improvements - it also helps increase awareness of one's surroundings, while at the same time promoting critical thinking and discipline. Best of all, it helps boost one's self-esteem while also fostering humility.

In addition to all these benefits, there are also various types of fighting techniques that you can choose to engage in. The different types of fighting styles are basically divided into four categories, each one with a different focus and style. These are the striking, wrestling martial arts, grappling and weaponry
martial arts. To help make it easier to choose a fighting technique for new students, instructors from recognised MMA schools share the differentiating points among some of the most popular types of martial arts studied today:
Karate - There are many different styles of karate, including Shotokan, Gen-wa-ki, Kenpo, Kyokushin, Goju, and Isshin-Ryu. Karate, fighting style experts say, is a striking art that uses punching and kicking, striking using the knees and elbows, and open-handed techniques such as knife-hands. However, some styles of karate may also incorporate elements from other categories; for instance, some styles use grappling, locks, restraints, throws, and vital point strikes, while other karate styles may also use weapons, such as in Kobudo. Karate training places great emphasis on psychological improvement, and aims to promote respect, discipline, confidence and fellowship among its students.
Jiu-Jitsu: This type of fighting technique focuses mainly on grappling. While it may be considered a purely grappling martial art, jiu-jitsu may also include other techniques such as punches and kicks, throws, strangles, joint locks, the use of pressure points and ground-fighting. It is best for close-range combat, making it a suitable choice for individuals who want to learn martial arts for self-defence.
Boxing: Boxing is another striking art, and mainly focuses on striking and punching using the fists. It is one of the most popular in the world - many boxing champions are familiar household names. It helps improve critical thinking, strength and endurance, while also enhancing speed of responses.
Muay Thai: This combat sport focuses on stand-up striking combined with various clinching techniques. It is often referred to as the "Art of Eight Limbs" because it makes use of eight points of contact: two hands, elbows, knees and feet. Click here for more details.
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