MMA Diet - Rate Your Nutrition Performance

It's very easy to go on believing that your MMA diet is in order even if it isn't. If you are serious about your training and results, you'll take a good look at your diet and rate its overall healthfulness. Then it will be easy to see where you need to make improvements.
Unlike a lot of indexes, a lower score is superior to a higher score with the MMA Diet Quality Indicator. The index is meant to be very simple to figure out. A score of 0 indicates that your MMA nutrition is completely on point and a score of 16 means that your diet is not only high risk for a poor MMA performance but also for health in regards to diet-related chronic diseases.

The MMA Nutrition Quality Indicator: Rate yourself (0,1,or 2) for each
recommendation and add them up to determine your score.
Total fat intake: < 30%
<30 % - 0
30 - 40% - 1
>40% - 2
Saturated fat: <10%
<10% - 0
10-13% - 1
>13% - 2
Balanced meals per day: 5-7
5-7 - 0
4 - 1
<4 - 2
Daily protein: 0.6-0.9 grams per pound of body weight
0.6-0.9 grams per pound of body weight - 0
.05-.059 grams per pound of body weight - 1
<.05 grams per pound of body weight - 2
Hydration: Urine pale yellow
Urine is pale yellow - 0
Depends on the day - 1
Urine dark and scanty - 2
Breakfast: Balanced w/ complex carbs included
Always balanced w/ complex carbs included - 0
Usually something but not always balanced - 1
Rarely or never - 2
Post workout: H20, PRO., and CHO.
Consume water, protein, and carbs - 0
Consume just water and carbs - 1
Consume just water or nothing. - 2
Pre and during workout nutrition: H20, PRO., and high CHO. meal low in FAT before and H2O and CHO during.
Water, protein, and high complex carb meal low in fat before and water and carbs during. - 0
Eating an incomplete or high fat meal before and/or just water during. - 1
Not consuming any calories before workout and/or not drinking water during. - 2
*Individuals have a range of protein needs so the above is to be used as a guideline.
While the MMA Diet Quality indicator isn't perfect (no index is), it's a simple way to look and see where you are strong and what areas you need to work on in regards to your MMA performance nutrition.
Once you determine your score, choose one or two areas that you need to work on if need be. Then, in 3 weeks when your new habit(s) are automatic, re-measure yourself. By constantly assessing yourself and making adjustments accordingly, you are guaranteed to have a leg up on the competition!

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