The Difference Between MMA and Real Martial Arts

Answering this question, the difference between MMA and Real Martial Arts should get me lots of enemies, but here's hoping that there are a few people who wish to think about what I am going to say here.
The first distinction is that MMA is designed to beat people, and if you are just trying to beat up people, then you are engaged in a sport. If you are trying to plumb the depths of yourself, find your true meaning
in life, then you are engaged in art.
Beat up people, or find ourself, which are you trying to do?
That said, consider the end results after a career in MMA vs the end results of a life defining the true art.
A fellow who beats people up will, in turn, get beaten up. Sure, you're immortal
when you're 20 years old, but as time goes by, and impact piles up, suddenly you get a broken bone or two, the nose squashes off to the side, and you may be tough... but you're also ugly, and it sometimes hurts to move around.
Now, in an art like karate, or kung fu or that sort, you are more careful in your impact. You still learn to fight, but your body is not put to such impact. Thus, your body gets stronger and stronger, and healthier and healthier.
Now, as you age, an interesting thing happens... you begin to feel a different sort of energy in the body. The insides glow, and you don't feel things like arthritus, bursitus, and so on. While other people are on walkers and oxygen, you are spry and able to climb mountains.
MMA you don't, no matter how long and hard you train. But Karate, various styles of Kung fu, and, to some extent, even modern arts like kenpo or taekwondo, you will feel the glow of chi within your body.
Instead of becoming old and crippled, you suddenly start to get younger, have mental abilities that you didn't have when you were young, and life just gets rosier and rosier.
Okay, I know a few people couldn't make it to the end of this article. They like being young and they believe there is only beating people up. That's okay. I like to watch the PUFC. There's a place for everybody.
But, if you really wnt to experience good health, after that MMA match is over on the tube, head on down and study Kung Fu or Karate or some other real martial art.

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