3 Tips to Spar Like a Champion For Mixed Martial Arts MMA

Sparring is the closest thing you can do as a fighter to actually being in a fight. It makes sense to not go as hard in a sparring session as the real fight because in the real fight a lot of damage could be inflicted. Champion fighters do a few things differently in their sparring sessions that you should be well aware of.
Throw More Jabs.
Throwing a jab is the easiest way to stay in your opponent's face. Throw a few
extra jabs more
often to really mix up your opponent.
Having your fist constantly in your opponent's face will not allow them to utilize a game plan as effectively because they are constantly in defence.
Keep Your Chin Down.
This is your most important act of defence. Keep your chin tucked, to avoid getting knocked on the jaw. Even with the full helmet on you see fighters get knocked out when sparring because they've let their chin up.
Not to mention when you get the 4oz gloves on there is no room for error in this. Keep it tucked in practice so you don't forget on game day.
The best fighters learn to train with more agility because they take the time to breathe. Never tense up, stay relaxed throughout.
You are wasting proper oxygenation and ventilation your body should be utilizing by breathing especially when it needs it. So take the time to consciously breathe at a regular relaxed rhythm.
These are some of the best tips utilized by champions of the sport. Of course these are only the beginning. A complete MMA strength and conditioning program is vital to keep you going longer in sparring and then your fights.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4625026

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