MMAM - Mixed Martial Arts Misunderstood

I was listening to The Bob Grant show on WABC Talk Radio a few weeks ago and heard some of the call-in listeners speak out about mixed martial arts competition and specifically the UFC (Ultimate
Fighting Championship). Words like barbaric, senseless, and violent were throw at Bob Grant who has never even heard about this type of competition. He pledged to take a look at it and then give his opinion on a future show. I think I will give my opinion right now. It was nice that the so-called men who called in and bashed this type of
combative competition took time away from their yoga and Pilate's classes to discuss something they have never done. The physical male is rapidly becoming extinct in favor of the intellectual male. I see it in young boys, teenagers and grown men who are viewed as real men because they
aren't afraid to break down and cry.
Most of the combative athletes participating in mixed martial arts competition are college educated, well spoken and articulate. They enjoy the competitive aspect of combining different fighting arts and styles into their own unique hybrid system. Competitions like the UFC allow them to test and hone their skills. Sure it can look violent to the untrained eye and cowering psuedointellectuals who called in to the radio show last night. This type of combative competition is not for mindless tough guys or thugs. It is a highly evolved form of combat training that requires the athletes have intelligence as well as physical ability. Knowledge of physics, geometry, kineseology, balance, weight distribution, angles, weak and vulnerable points of the body, and strategy are required. Speed, strength, and endurance are only a part of the training.
Beauty is in the eye of the is violence. War is is The Animal Channel. The pencil pushing guy who went from being the last one picked for kickball in grade school to being shoved in a locker in high school and finally finding his own personal Nirvana sitting at a Starbucks with his laptop open because he has the physical confidence of a house plant watches the Animal Channel with his ten year old son. They watch as the beautiful Caribou's eyes are still open as the fourth lioness bites into it's hind quarter flesh pulling the graceful animal out of the river bank. Very intelligent indeed. Good wholesome family fun.
You take that same man and put him into a life or death situation where he may be called upon to "man up" to save his family and he will fold like a lawn chair into the fetal position after peeing in his pants and breaking down and crying. A combative athlete would come in handy right about now wouldn't he? These are the same people who claim cops use unjustifiable force when apprehending dangerous criminals. That's fine. The next time you're being assaulted or your house is being broken into call a lawyer instead of 911. Or just use your intellectual prowess and deductive reasoning skills. Intelligence will always overcome strength and brutality right? Wrong. Back in the locker with you smart guy.
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1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this and also hope you go a little more in depth another time,the men and women of MMA deserve so much more than to be passed off a dumb brutes reveling in mindless violence,that is such a black and white,ignorant way to look at such a pure and ferocious sport.I have so much respect for these athletes and see no one else that can compare.They are also intelligent,loving,caring,thinking men and for the world to throw them under the bus as useless brutes is far from fair or right!
