So Is Mixed Martial Arts Fighting and Self Defense the Same Exact Thing?

Often times I think folks out there may get confused with self defense and MMA, or maybe they don't. Really though, I feel a significant number of people, even fighters sometimes, just group it all together as being the same exact thing, however though, it's not! Just like boxing is not Jiujitsu, MMA is not self defense. Although I am pretty certain a lot of these guys could defend themselves without a problem!
MMA, or mixed martial arts as it's called is a very popular sport. The guys in mixed martial arts are tremendous athletes and some are fantastic martial
artists to say the least. You've got guys like Bas Ruten who is insanely tough and a great fighter, Anderson Silva, BJ Penn and others. These guys are all exceptionally skilled, but what
you see them doing is not exactly what you call "self defense", although again, I am quite convinced they could defend themselves without a problem!
You see, the MMA world has lots of rules to keep everyone safe, certain strikes are illegal, certain locks are not permitted and of course breaking people's necks and backs, eye gouging, kicking in the groin and grabbing someone's trachea are all not allowed, and for good reason! However, in the real world, many of these techniques may just work well when defending yourself, heck; they might save your life or help protect your family!
I'm not knocking MMA at all; all I am saying is that self defense via traditional martial arts isn't the same as MMA. Just think about it for a minute, in the real world, you won't have a referee during an attack, you won't have any set of rules to go by and there are just all types of other miscellaneous factors that may affect you. And attackers and assailants don't ever fight fair; and neither should you! Attackers do not put up their hands up and square off with you on the count of 1-2-3 or at the ring of a bell. Attackers strike from behind you with a bear hug; they run out of nowhere and grab you by the throat, they pull a knife on you as you are getting into your car. Sadly though, these are the facts, and these are real-world situations where anything and everything goes; and that's not just for the attacker, but for the person using self defense and martial arts to disable an attacker and get to safety.
It's true that a lot of the very same strikes and techniques in MMA may also be used in defending yourself; I mean after all, a lot of the moves you see in MMA are comprised of more traditional martial arts. But however, in the real world, you might want to finish much faster with several rapid strikes to the throat, eyes and groin, which these things are all not permitted in a mixed martial arts fight. And also, there might be several real-life situations where you have no other choice but to disarm your assailant and consider using their very own gun or knife against them, this is definitely not something done in the mixed martial arts world. Self defense is surviving in a fight with absolutely no rules!
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