How to Gain Weight and Build Strength for MMA in Just 6 Weeks

ould you like to gain weight? Would you like to build muscles that are actually functional and not just for showing off? Muscles that are really useful for MMA fighters, powerlifters, and all types of athletes? Would you like to get stronger, to increase your lifts by 20-30 lbs in a matter of weeks?
If you answered "Yes" - congratulations, this article is just for you!

And you probably know this saying that in order to gain muscle - you have to lift and eat. That is simple, right?
So, in this article I would like to talk about lifting. I would like to
share with you an extremely powerful muscle and strength building program inspired by Nick Nilsson, the author of "Muscle Explosion".
Warning! If you train just to create an image of a "tough guy", if you train in order to impress someone or just to tell someone that you are going to the gym - this program is not for you.
I don't want to blame or insult you, at all. But simply, this program is for people who really want to train, for people who actually enjoy the whole process of strength building, because this program is very intense. There will be no time to talk or do something else apart from lifting weights.
You probably haven't tried anything like this before, (but then, of course I don't know you - maybe you have.)
Here are the "rules" of this weightlifting program:
1) Choose 3-5 compound exercises
2) Choose how many days you will train, 3 days a week or 4 days a week
3) Try this program for 4-6 weeks, after that switch to some other routine
4) Use weight that you can do 8 reps with, that is, about 60-70 % of your 1RM
5) You will do each exercise for 15 minutes (Jump Squats for 10 minutes)
6) You will do sets of 3 reps
7) You will do a lot of sets
8) You will achieve extraordinary gains
9) After achieving great gains - getting cocky or arrogant is prohibited! (Very important)
How to do it:
Do each exercise for the amount of time that is written near the exercise (bench press 15 min - you will have to do it for 15 minutes, that is obvious, right?).
Choose the weight that you can do 8 reps with and do only 3 reps with it. Now rest for 20 seconds and do another 3 reps. Take another 20 second rest and do another 3 reps, etc... and do it for whole 15 minutes.
After that rest for 2 minutes and start doing the other exercise in just the same way: 3 reps, 20 sec rest, 3 reps, 20 sec rest, etc...
If 20 sec rest starts to become too exhausting for you, you can use 30 second rest.
And when doing squats or deadlifts you can rest as much as 30 or 40 seconds, because these exercises involve more muscle.
Here are the programs:
3 days a week
Bench Press 15 min
One arm DB rows 15 min
Squats 15 min
Bench Press 15 min
One Arm DB Rows 15 min
Jump Squats 15 min
Bench Press 15 min
One Arm DB rows 15 min
Pistol squats 15 min
4 days a week
Bench Press 15 min
Deadlift 15 min
Jump squats 10 min
Military press 15 min
One Arm DB Rows 15 min
Jump Squats 10 min
Bench Press 15 min
Deadlift 15 min
Jump Squats 10 min
Military Press 15 min
One Arm DB Rows 15 min
Jump Squats 10 min
Choose one of the routines (I would recommend 4 days a week) and do it for 4-6 weeks, after that - enjoy your gains and switch to another routine.
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