MMA Fitness - The Hours Before the Fight !

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MMA fitness is just as important the hours before your fight as it was when you started training for it three months before. We talk here not just of physical fitness, but mental fitness too. While training for a competition is one thing, the hours before the actual fight is a different thing altogether. Those are critical hours and MMA fitness-both physical and mental-are critical, too. You need to be mentally fit to handle the confluence of emotions and anticipation can overtake you just before a fight. Here are some tips on what you can do:

1. Sleep well the night before. To help you get a good night's
sleep, make sure that your trainers and managers have checklists of even the most minor details that should be done just before the fight, when you are weighing in, and during the fight itself. That will go a long way in lightening the stress load and setting the stage for MMA fitness just before the fight.
2. Be prepared to be flexible. There have times when three hours before a fight the organizers will change the rules and change your opponent. Don't let it matter. You are here to win, no matter what the rules are, and no matter who you are fighting.
3. Just before the fight, relax your mind. A relaxed mind is sharper than a stressed mind, so do whatever it takes to relax. Play soothing music, play games, take a nap, or take a long walk. Different things work for different people--just clear your mind. Why? Because a clear mind is always in control of itself. Also, avoid people and conversations that may anger you, because an angry mind is always out of control. Never lose control just before the fight.
4. Warm up. One hour and a half before the fight you can wake up (if you took a nap) or get back to your room (if you took a walk) so that you can start your warm up to MMA fitness. You want to build up your energy.
5. Don't fight fear. It will always be there, but remember that your opponent is afraid, too. Harness and use it. Fear releases adrenalin, and adrenalin builds focus and enhances MMA fitness.
6. Forget your opponent. You know that you will get hit. You know there will be pain and maybe injury. So don't think of what your opponent will do--think of what you'll do. Build your aggression to the point where pain does not matter--but not so far that the adrenaline burns you out. Remember your mantra--always be in control.
7. Now work yourself up to the fight. Visualize your victory. Talk to yourself and remind yourself that you are at the height of MMA fitness. Say victory is going to happen. The more you say it, the more you will believe it.
8. Once you are in the ring, shut everything else out. There will be a lot of people, a lot of noise and yelling. Cancel everything out and focus on just two things-your corner and his. That is all that exists in this fight.
9. Overconfidence will betray you. No matter who your opponent is, whether a major league fighter or a known poor fighter, give it 200%. High level fighters have lost to weaker opponents simply because they let their guard down. Don't be one of them.
10. Don't let your opponent inside your head. In the ring he may badger, yell, taunt and dance around, but he is scared and he is just trying to make you lose control. Shut that out. Remember that you are at the height of MMA fitness--and focus on winning.

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1 comment:

  1. Could you PLEASE stop spamming our Facebook group "MMA know it alls". One post a week would be fine, but you are posting EVERY day, and it is ruining the group.
